About Us
SewSchnuffel, like many other small businesses in the past few years, was born out of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Stuck at home with nothing to do, and unable to find masks anywhere, I decided I'd teach myself how to sew. Hundreds of hours and many Youtube tutorials later, things started looking less wonky and I decided to start making them for friends and family. Once they assured me they'd totally buy this of they saw it in a shop, I decided to open an Etsy account and Ta-Da! SewSchnuffel was born.
Fast-forward to 2023 and SewSchnuffel has grown from a small mask shop to the home decor emporium you see today (I jest of course). Everything is handmade in the living room under the watchful eyes (and snores!) of our pugs Krumpet and Nacho. We always enjoy working with you for custom orders, and love meeting people at craft markets in West London.
To diversify, we've also added stationary by US small business Unicorn Eclipse. Their products are great and we enjoy bringing them to the UK market and helping them grow as well.
Massive thanks to my friend Jenny from Jaggid-Edge for designing my logo! Check out her page here https://www.deviantart.com/jaggid-edge